Países exportadores de aleta de tiburón a Hong Kong


Peso total en Kg. de aletas congeladas exportadas a Hong Kong en el año 2008:

España 2646442
Singapur 1201236
Taiwan 990664
Indonesia 681012
Emirats Árabes Unidos 511197
Costa Rica 327385
Estados Unidos de América 251310
Yemen 226738
Méjico 216833
Brasil 200732
Argentina 185380
Sudáfrica 182953
Holanda 171863
Japón 162276


Foto de un tiburón comiéndose a otro

This is a picture of a shark eating another shark. That is all.

sharkeatssharkIt was just going to be another day of shark monitoring for the researchers at the University of Delaware’s ORB LAB. Among other tasks, the group keeps track of shark populations in the ocean, catching and releasing the large predators. And this time, they caught two for the price of one. Write the researchers on their Facebook page:

We caught one large female on our first line Friday, but we were not expecting to catch her like this! This unlucky smooth dogfish couldn’t resist the menhaden used as bait and unfortunately fell victim to one of the top predators in the bay. The dogfish was about 3 feet long and completely swallowed by the sand tiger shark.

dogfish: cazón

sand tiger shark: tiburón toro